Saturday, January 7, 2012

The Must-See Movie of 2012

Oh. My goodness. I cannot wait to see Come Morning, featuring Josh's dad in his big screen debut. Yep, that's right. Richard Ledbetter is the new George Clooney. Not to brag or anything, but he once told me that I was his acting role-model. All joking aside, I was pretty much giddy when Josh showed me this preview. I said, "That looks like a real movie!"

Come Morning Trailer from Derrick Sims on Vimeo.

Richard plays Charlie the frightening redneck. You can see him blowing out a lantern (1:18), and when you see the super cool shot of some guy shooting off a shotgun into the air (1:47) - that's him!!! I am so proud of my papa-in-law. He wasn't handed that part. He won the director over with his striking presence. (See the director's note next to his bio on the film's cast page.) So excited to see the whole movie.

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