Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Simple Things

I love lettuce. I like to wash each leaf individually...

...And put the leaves in this here old-timey colander.

Then I like to tear it all up into little pieces...

...And make a big ol' dinner salad!


Unknown said...

I have this thing about lettuce where I will almost refuse to eat iceberg in a salad. Everyone including my girlfriend thanks I'm a picky little child for feeling this way. But I totally turn my nose up to it when I see it on a salad bar. Is there something wrong with me? : )

Salad looks fantastic by the way. Have you ever experimented with making your own dressing?

Betsey said...

I will eat iceberg lettuce if I'm at a restaurant (sometimes), but at home I use red leaf or romaine. There's nothing wrong with you, you just prefer nutrients with your lettuce!

No I haven't made my own dressing. I usually stick with good ol' ranch. If I had an herb garden I might make my own salad dressing.